Why NativeScript ?

Why NativeScript ?

First of all i'm an Angular  developer, and i Like how Angular structure the project, especially the style guide by Team Angular,  So why NativeScript ?

With NativeScript

  • You can take your Angular knowledge with you when you want to make a Mobile App
  • The NativeScript community is growing each day (11,828 Star on github).
  • You can use any JavaScript package from NPM ( www.npmjs.com), like MomentJS.
  • XML is much close to Angular HTML and you will get use to it.

Managing state in Angular become easy with @ngrx (RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux) and you can take it with you to NativeScript.

Also, when you try to make a dashboard, webapp and mobile app, you can use the Same technology (Angular) and share 70% of your code between these platforms, and you reduce time and move our focus to the functionalities and the tests.

Start with NativeScript https://www.nativescript.org

The stack i use is , Angular, NativeScript, Node.js and MongoDB, wich Stack do you use ?


Did you know D-DAY ? I will talk about NativeScript in this Meetup

Last modified: December 02, 2017